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Introducing the Dragon Riders — QuickSwap’s Ambassador Program

October 10th 2021

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After our most recent governance vote in which a whopping 99.99% of voters elected to call our Ambassador program the Dragon Riders, we are thrilled to introduce it! (Dragon Riders was our favorite choice too!)

If you’re one of QuickSwap’s many active and engaged community members and you want your voice to be heard in shaping Polygon’s premiere DEX, now is the time to get involved!

As more and more users flock to the Polygon Network every day, QuickSwap (the largest and first DEX on Polygon) is experiencing rapid and unprecedented growth. As a community centered project, our aim has always been to include the community in our development as this dragon matures. That’s why today we are launching the Dragon Riders ambassador program. This is your opportunity to join the QuickSwap team to help us market and develop the DEX of the future as well as educate the public about how to use it.

Join QuickSwap, become a Dragon Rider, and help usher in an age of next-to-zero gas fees on trades for all. This is a way to get involved in the cryptosphere. Our program will help you grow and allow you to assist in developing the next generation of DEXs from the inside, all while being rewarded for your efforts with QUICK tokens.

If you think you have what it takes to ride the dragon, apply today!

Read the full details below.


An Opportunity of a Lifetime

As a Dragon Rider, you will work closely with the QuickSwap team to increase awareness and adoption of our decentralized exchange. As a cohesive unit, we will spread the word about the fast and nearly free transactions on QuickSwap, which are enabled by Polygon’s decentralized protocol. We aim to show the world that they don’t have to spend outrageous gas fees to transact in cryptocurrency.

This is a great opportunity to grow within the crypto industry and connect with the QuickSwap team and other crypto & DeFi enthusiasts from around the world. Through our ambassador program, we want to encourage personal growth and hone in on helping our Dragon Riders build valuable skill sets that they will use well beyond their involvement in this program.

In addition, if you’re selected, you will be rewarded with QUICK for your high-quality work. Initially, we will choose only the best applicants to join the Dragon Riders; those selected individuals will have an advantage of growing most quickly within our ranks, and with higher standing comes more rewards. We will continue to grow our ambassador numbers as QuickSwap grows.

We would like to add that many ambassadors grow within these types of elite community groups to go on to finding full time positions within the crypto industry. Below we elaborate on responsibilities and incentives structure. Be among the first to ride the dragon!

Who Are We Looking For?

Anyone is welcome to apply to join the Dragon Riders! A decentralized project is nothing without its community. We’re looking for a wide range of people with their own specialties and fields of interest.


Dragon Riders’ Responsibilities

The purpose of our ambassador program is to bring cryptocurrency & DeFi enthusiasts together to help expand awareness and adoption of QuickSwap through networking, guerilla marketing, and combining forces to make our name known. The Dragon Riders will be responsible for:

  • Engaging with the digital community through social platforms
  • Educating the public about QuickSwap via content and social media
  • Growing our network of influencers, exchange partners and project partners
  • Increasing social media and mainstream media presence
  • Testing new features of the QuickSwap Interface
  • Developing bots for moderating, analysis, and data
  • Translating documents, articles, and social media posts
  • Establishing and growing regional QuickSwap communities
  • Mentoring other ambassadors to share skills

Clear and transparent guidelines will be provided to each Dragon Rider to ensure that they act in the interest of the community. Everyone will be provided with the appropriate resources needed to execute these initiatives successfully.


  • Join bi-weekly calls to stay in touch with the vision and current events

Social Media:

  • The Dragon Riders will represent QuickSwap by engaging with the online community
  • They will be responsible for growing our supporter base by educating the online community about QuickSwap with written and video tutorials & other content
  • Must be familiar with all major social platforms such as — Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, etc.
  • We will also use YouTube and those with advanced video editing skills will move to the top of the list

Content Creation

  • Curate articles to be shared on websites such as Medium, Publish0x, Sapien, Hive, etc.
  • Visual content (such as memes, GIFs, infographics, etc.) for various social platforms
  • Long or short-form video content
  • Interviews
  • Development updates
  • Demo videos
  • Etc.

Partner Outreach:

  • Reach out to established projects to provide liquidity for QuickSwap
  • Reach out to exchanges to have the $QUICK token listed
  • Reach out to influencers/publications to get QuickSwap featured on their platforms

Global Community Expansion

  • Establishing and running regional QuickSwap communities on Telegram and social media
  • Translations of articles, social media posts and other QuickSwap-focused content to spread the word of QuickSwap’s progress and increase our global presence
  • Establishing connections with regional influencers, publications etc.

Development Input

  • Test and provide feedback about QuickSwap’s interface
  • Suggest new features to add value to QuickSwap in terms of our products’ UI/UX
  • Develop bots for moderating, analysis, and data

Other Contributions

The above is not an exhaustive list. If you have other skills or can provide value to QuickSwap please let us know how

We welcome participants from around the world to join and ride the dragon!


Rewards Structure

Considering the roles within the Dragon Riders and the work performed, members will be compensated in $QUICK tokens. This rewards structure is a guideline; however, changes can be made without prior notice.

  • Rewards will be distributed monthly based on month-to-month contributions
  • Quality of work and engagement will carry more weight in terms of rewards
  • Bonus rewards will be distributed to the top 5 Dragon Riders
  • Each Dragon Rider will be required to submit their work via Google forms, which will be provided

Rewards Explained

Each task will be rewarded with a specific amount of $QUICK. There will also be a multiplier for each task completed. The multiplier will be based on the quality of work and the engagement the completed task receives. The team will determine the quality and engagement of each submitted task. Remember that each tier level is two sided and both sides must be fulfilled: quality & engagement.

  • 1x = Low quality & low engagement
  • 2x = Intermediate quality & decent engagement
  • 3x = Epic quality & great engagement

Rewards Per Task

Each task will have a link to an example of an “EPIC” version of that task. Completed tasks that are not up to the “EPIC” examples standard will be graded as “Low” or “Intermediate”. The amount of QUICK shown as the reward for each task is the base amount per task, this amount can be higher based on the multiplier/score the task receives. Each task should be related to QuickSwap and unique content.

Remember to use the $QUICK cash tag and either #QuickSwap or @QuickSwapDex in tweets and retweets. Posts should be shared across all platforms connected to QuickSwap (At least 2) and should be original — not copies or retweets.

  • Tweet/ social posts (max 3 per day) QUICK equivalent of $2.50
  • Meme/Infographic (max 3 per week) QUICK equivalent of $5
  • GIF/very short video (max 2 per week) QUICK equivalent of $10
  • 500 word blog (max 2 per month) QUICK equivalent of $25*
  • Initiating a collaboration with an influencer (YouTuber or Twitter influencer) (Unlimited)
  • Facilitating a long-term collaboration with an influencer by introducing them to the QuickSwap team directly QUICK equivalent of $250
  • Reaching out to an influencer and getting them to post about QuickSwap on their platform QUICK equivalent of $100
  • Creating a successful project partnership (Unlimited) QUICK equivalent of $250
  • Must facilitate the introduction of the partner team and QuickSwap team, and the partnership must be moved ahead successfully
  • Miscellaneous tasks will be graded based on a task per task basis
  • *blogs count as original content or translations only. Posting one article in 2 places does not yield equivalent rewards
  • Please note: All low quality submissions can be deducted points. Simple graphics that take little to no effort will be deducted.
  • Examples include, a stock GIF/Graphic that has a word or line of text overlaid on top of the graphic is considered little to no effort graphic.
  • The same will be implemented for blogs. If any plagiarism is found within the blog, points will be deducted or they will receive zero points.
  • If you’re a content creator such as a writer or YouTuber, please contact one of the admins as an agreement can be reached with the team. In order to qualify for approval, Dragon Riders must have appropriate engagement, followers, and quality of content which will be determined by the team.


Top Riders

The top 5 Riders will receive an added bonus each month. The ranking of each Rider will be at the discretion of the team. Obviously the level of work ethic and quality of content will play a large part of this rank, though presence in the community and an effort to guide others within the program can play a part in the rank.

  • 1st Rank — $100 in QUICK
  • 2nd Rank — $75 in QUICK
  • 3rd Rank — $50 in QUICK
  • 4th Rank — $25 in QUICK
  • 5th Rank — $15 in QUICK


Other Benefits of Joining the Dragon Riders

The Riders will work closely with the QuickSwap team and will receive assistance and resources to ensure their success.

  • Direct communication channels with our executive and marketing team members
  • Behind-the-scenes involvement with QuickSwap’s development
  • Chance to meet the team when team members travel (Once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted)
  • Active discussions regarding your feedback, ideas, and suggestions for global expansion initiatives
  • Personal growth through learning new skills
  • Opportunity to grow your personal network
  • Social media growth as content will be shared amongst the QuickSwap ecosystem
  • Awesome QuickSwap merch

Are you ready to initiate into QuickSwap’s Dragon Riders ambassador program? It all starts by filling out the form today!

Apply now:

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