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QuickSwap Governance Proposal: Should We Feature a Gaming Hub Powered by VersaGames?

October 2nd 2022

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After a few days of discussion in our Reddit forum and across social media platforms, we’re happy to see that the community is as excited as we are about featuring a gaming hub. Thus, we will move forward with a governance vote: Should we feature a gaming hub powered by VersaGames?


  • On October 3rd, we opened a discussion forum asking our community if QuickSwap should feature a gaming hub powered by VersaGames
  • Our hope is that a featured gaming hub will boost community engagement, enhance QuickSwap’s broader market appeal, and increase revenue for both QUICK stakers and the QuickSwap Foundation
  • QuickSwap’s community has shown undeniable support for the gaming hub, which is why we are not moving forward with the governance vote
  • The snapshot for the vote will take place on Monday, October 3rd
  • The vote will begin immediately after the snapshot and will run until Friday, October 7th
  • If the community votes in favor, QuickSwap and VersaGames will launch the gaming hub on Friday, October 14th
  • Details about voting eligibility, and how to participate in QuickSwap’s upcoming governance vote follow



This vote concluded on Friday, October 7th with 94.1% in favor and 5.9% opposed. In total, 13,810 QUICK from 79 wallets participated in the vote. 73 voters (~92%) with a total weight of 13k QUICK voted to feature the gaming hub, and 6 voters (~8%) with a total weight of 810 QUICK voted against featuring the gaming hub. With the community behind the proposal, QuickSwap and VersaGames plan to launch the gaming hub on Friday, October 14th.


Background Information

For more information about how the gaming hub would work, please review our governance discussion blog on the matter here. After you’ve done that, visit our Reddit discussion forum for more information.

Overall, very few community members have chimed in to say anything about the proposal. Since we know dragons aren’t shy, we think means most are in favor.



The snapshot will take place on Monday, October 3rd, 2022. The vote will begin immediately after. Eligible QUICK holders will have the opportunity to cast their votes from Monday, October 3rd — Friday, October 7th.

If this vote passes, QuickSwap, VersaGames, and Polygon Studios will work together to get the gaming hub deployed on Friday, October 14th.


Voting Eligibility

Like all governance decisions, this one could have a significant impact on our DEX. QuickSwap is community-driven, so the governance process works best when as many QUICK and dQUICK holders as possible participate in the vote.

We want you to have a say in the future of our DEX. To do so, you have to make sure you’re eligible. To be eligible to vote, your QUICK must be held on the Polygon Network in a self-custodial wallet by the time of the snapshot on Monday, October 3rd.

To be clear: 1000 New QUICK will have the same weight as 1 Old QUICK in the governance vote.

You are eligible to vote if you meet any of the following conditions

  • You hold Old QUICK in a MetaMask Wallet or another Polygon-enabled wallet to which you control the private keys. Please note: To qualify, your Old QUICK must be held on the Polygon Network and not on Ethereum, Dogechain, or any other chain.
  • You hold New QUICK in a MetaMask Wallet or another Polygon-enabled wallet to which you control the private keys. Please note: To qualify, your New QUICK must be held on the Polygon Network and not on Ethereum, Dogechain, or any other chain.
  • You deposited your Old QUICK into the Dragon’s Lair and are now holding dQUICK in its place while you accumulate more Old QUICK.
  • You deposited your New QUICK into a Dragon’s Syrup Pool and are farming other tokens with it.
  • You are providing liquidity for select New QUICK pairs on QuickSwap’s V2 and have staked your LP so you’re earning trading fees and dQUICK rewards. Select pairs include

You are not eligible to vote if:

  • You hold Old or New QUICK on a centralised exchange wallet — such as Binance, Coinbase,, etc — to which you do not hold the private keys.
  • You hold Old or New QUICK in a self-custodial wallet (like MetaMask), but you keep that QUICK on Ethereum, Dogechain, BSC, or any network other than Polygon.
  • You are providing liquidity for a QUICK pair not listed above on QuickSwap or for any QUICK pair on another DEX. (To be clear: Only the QUICK you are using to LP for pairs not mentioned above will be excluded from the snapshot. If you also hold QUICK that you are not using to LP with, you will be eligible to vote with that).
  • You have deposited your QUICK or dQUICK in a vault outside of QuickSwap to lend or borrow.
  • You are using New QUICK to LP for the New QUICK — MATIC pair on our V3.
  • You are holding New dQUICK.


How to participate in the vote

  1. Visit after the snapshot on Monday, October 3rd.
  2. Connect your MetaMask Wallet (or other Polygon-compatible, self-custodial wallet)
  • Make sure you’re connected to the Matic Mainnet
  • The combined weight of Old QUICK, New QUICK, and dQUICK in your wallet at the time of the snapshot will dictate the weight of your vote
  • $QUICK staked in select liquidity pools will also be counted in the weight of your vote

3. Select the open proposal titled, “Should We Feature a Gaming Hub Powered by VersaGames?

4. Click on the option you prefer

5. Confirm your selection in your wallet


Which way should I vote?

At QuickSwap, we support this proposal. We’re confident that gaming will play a significant role in the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. We believe that featuring a gaming hub will increase activity on our platform and boost engagement throughout the Polygon ecosystem.

From our perspective, featuring a gaming hub offers many benefits and very little risk; however, QuickSwap is a community-owned and governed DEX. We never make decisions that could impact our DEX’s future without you, and you’re allowed to disagree with us. How you vote is up to you. So please DYOR, and vote your conscience.