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Help Name QuickSwap’s Ambassadors: A Governance Vote

September 30th 2021

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  • To help increase QuickSwap’s exposure and involve our community, we’re launching an Ambassador program
  • Selected Applicants will be rewarded in $QUICK for contributing to QuickSwap’s education, marketing, and outreach efforts
  • Help us name the program to determine what our ambassadors are called
  • In our governance vote, choose between Dragon Riders, Dragon Tamers, Elder Mages, and Wizards
  • The snapshot will take place on October 1st at 5pm PST
  • This vote will run from October 1st- 6th, 5pm PST



To help expand QuickSwap’s reach and involve our community, QuickSwap is launching an ambassador program. This program will reward active community members for their contributions on social media and beyond. The funds for this program will come from the marketing budget which our first community governance vote enabled. Examples of successful ambassador programs that have extended projects’ reach include The Polygoons (Polygon) (Formerly known as the Matic Mitras), and The Guardians of Persistence (Persistence).

Details about how to apply, rewards, and what we’re looking for in applicants will follow once we’ve determined a name for our group.

Help us choose!

Do you like

Dragon Riders

Dragon Tamers

Elder Mages




This vote will run from October 1st — 6th, 5:00 PM PST


Roar Dragons!

We can’t wait to reward our most active community members for their contributions.

The snapshot takes place immediately preceding the vote on October 1st, at 5pm PST.

To participate in the vote

  1. Once the voting begins, visit Snapshot
  2. Connect your MetaMask wallet
  • Make sure you’re connected to Matic
  • The $QUICK (or $dQUICK) in your wallet dictates the weight of your vote

3. Select the open proposal titled, “Help Name Our Ambassadors”

4. Click on the option you prefer

5. Confirm your selection in MetaMask


At QuickSwap, our primary goal is to ensure that our DEX not only survives but thrives, and we know we can’t do that without input from valued community members like you. Drop by our social channels anytime to let us know what you’re thinking.

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