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Introducing Dragon’s Syrup: The Sweetest Thing on QuickSwap

August 20th 2021

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Dragon’s Syrup is a program designed to give $QUICK stakers the opportunity to generate passive income in a variety of participating tokens. Users stake $QUICK to earn a portion of the rewards token(s) of their choosing.


  • QUICK stakers can now earn more passive income using their staked QUICK
  • Dragon’s Syrup enables QUICK holders to choose between several participating tokens to generate yield
  • Stake your QUICK to earn a share of our partners’ tokens!
  • Dragon’s Syrup pools are just getting started! We’re adding more tokens all of the time!

If you aren’t already familiar with single-asset staking on QuickSwap, dQUICK, and the Dragon’s Lair, read this article first!

Everyone knows that dragons love treasure. That’s why QuickSwap ,  Polygon’s biggest and most active DEX,  is bringing even more rewards for QUICK stakers! Keep reading to learn about how QuickSwap is helping dragons grow their hoards.


Dragon’s Syrup A Sweet, New Way to Generate Extra Yield on QuickSwap

Dragon’s Syrup enables QUICK stakers to generate yield in a different way than staking QUICK in the Dragon’s Lair. In the sweet, sweet Dragons’ Syrup rewards pools, users can opt to earn additional assets.

Here’s how it works

  • Provide liquidity in the ‘Pools’ tab — This earns you trading fees in the tokens you provided.
  • Deposit LP tokens from step 1 using the ‘Farms -> LP Mining’ tab to earn QUICK.
  • Stake your QUICK to earn tokens from projects that are traded on QuickSwap under ‘Farms -> Dragon’s Syrup’.

You can learn more about how to do this in our tutorial here.



Note that QuickSwap does not perform extensive due diligence on the tokens we’re distributing for free. That’s because we’re a DEX, not a gatekeeping entity. Furthermore, since these tokens are being accumulated at no risk to stakers’ QUICK, which is still compounding in the Dragon’s Lair, there is no reason for us to limit who can and cannot distribute tokens. All users are responsible for doing their own research and coming to their own conclusions.

So you’re just giving us tokens? What do you get in return?

Tokens that chose to participate in QuickSwap’s Dragon’s Syrup program will get extra QUICK rewards in QuickSwap’s liquidity mining program. As QuickSwap has an active and growing community, the projects that provide tokens for the Dragon’s Syrup pools will get the added benefit of exposure to one of the most engaged communities on Polygon.

Additionally, Dragon’s Syrup providers will also be whitelisted on QuickSwap’s default token list, which will give them increased exposure and promotion.

On QuickSwap’s end, we’re getting a great deal too! Adding Dragon’s Syrup pools gives QUICK even more utility. Currently, QUICK’s utilities include providing liquidity, yield farming, governance, staking to earn more QUICK, participating in IDOs, speculating, and now staking to earn other tokens as well. Providing a source of extra passive income for our DEX’s valued users sure sounds like a win for QuickSwap.

Learn How Here

Participating in QuickSwap’s Dragon’s Syrup pools is easy, but those who want a handheld guide can read our tutorial here.


What Pools Can We Choose From?

We’ve already distributed millions in rewards from our Dragon’s Syrup pools! Learn a little bit more about each token currently farmable on QuickSwap here, and don’t forget to DYOR! As a permissionless DEX, QuickSwap conducts minimal due diligence reports on tokens we list and reward. It is up to you to be responsible for your finances!


Stay Tuned Dragonites

We’ll be announcing more syrup pools as they launch, typically every Tuesday and Thursday! Apply your project for the next Dragon’s Syrup pool here.

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