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QuickSwap Integrates TradingView on QuickPerps for Best-In-Class Data Analytics Tools

March 14th 2024

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QuickSwap has officially integrated TradingView on QuickPerps, its decentralised Perpetual Exchange on Polygon zkEVM. TradingView is a comprehensive charting platform that provides wide-range functionality for tracking cryptocurrency prices, building customised charts, and implementing trading strategies at any level.

As an industry leader in market analytics features, TradingView’s sophisticated tools and versatile user interface enable users to fully monitor market dynamics and price movements with professional precision and in real time. Having unlimited access to professional-grade tools and customizability features will enable QuickSwap dragons of all backgrounds and financial profiles to get the most out of their investments and benefit from fully informed decision making. 

Quite frankly, the dragon community wouldn’t have it any other way.

So what does this mean for users on QuickPerps? Read on to learn more.

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What Does TradingView Bring to QuickPerps Users?

At QuickSwap, providing a best-in-class user experience within Web3 ecosystems and beyond has been a primary objective since development began for the DEX several years ago. QuickPerps has served as a powerful extension of the DragonFi ecosystem, serving as the leading decentralised Perpetual Exchange on the Polygon zkEVM chain.

As a pioneering force developing simplified and intuitive interfaces for individuals to take control of their finances, QuickSwap’s ultra-simple interfaces such as the now-famous DEX Automated Market-Maker (AMM) and QuickPerps – while very user-friendly – are not direct replacements for sophisticated and feature-rich control panels. 

As Web3 technologies and DeFi platforms continue to advance toward mass market by adoption, QuickSwap will be committed to supporting users and DeFi traders with a wide range of preferences and specialisations.

With integrating TradingView, QuickPerps is able to provide professional-grade charting and analytics tools to advanced traders, while remaining focused on optimising standard frontend interfaces to ensure a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly trading experience that the DragonFi ecosystem has become famous for.

Not only can QuickPerps users benefit from a seamless, intuitive, and accessible UI/UX but also trade with confidence by leveraging TradingView’s advanced charting tools.

While the market can be uncertain, TradingView’s pinpoint accuracy with chart analytics and tools is a given.

The future is bright for dragons of the past, present, and of course, the future!