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Welcoming Sandeep Nailwal — Polygon’s Co-Founder — to QuickSwap’s Advisory Board

October 27th 2021

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  • In our recent governance vote, over 97% of QuickSwap’s community voted to bring Sandeep Nailwal onto our advisory board
  • We’re thrilled that so much of the community agreed with our proposal and officially welcome Sandeep to the QuickSwap family
  • We’re confident that in his official advisory role, Sandeep will contribute even more than he already has to QuickSwap’s development


As part of QuickSwap’s birthday extravaganza, we issued a governance vote asking the community to allocate 1.25% of QUICK’s total supply to establish an all-star advisory board that will help guide QuickSwap on its journey from newly-born DEX to behemoth DeFi competitor. We further proposed to bring on Sandeep Nailwal — Polygon’s COO and Co-founder — as the first new member of our board.


We’re thrilled to announce that the vote passed with a 97.53% approval.


Welcome Aboard Sandeep!

To welcome Sandeep and show our appreciation for everything he’s already done and more importantly, everything he’ll do moving forward in his official capacity as our advisor, we’re allocating 0.5% of QUICK’s total supply (5000 QUICK), from our treasury. This 5000 QUICK will be paid on a vesting schedule, similar to those implemented for the founders and original advisors earlier this year.


Wow! That’s a lot!

It sure is! At current values, 5000 QUICK is worth over $2 million USD, but Sandeep really has earned it, and he’ll continue to contribute even more now that he’s officially riding the QuickSwap dragon. QuickSwap’s leadership team is confident that Sandeep will help propel our DEX (and with it, the entire Polygon ecosystem) to immeasurable new heights. We look forward to seeing what more we can accomplish with the formidable beast co-founder of Polygon himself officially onboard.

Looking Back

As Polygon’s Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Sandeep has played a huge part in QuickSwap’s development since its inception. In fact, QuickSwap wouldn’t have even been born without Sandeep’s early support. Raising our baby dragon from a hatchling to a formidable beast requires a village, and Sandeep is the mayor of Polygontown. He has the strongest connections of anyone in the Polygon ecosystem and brings substantial business and technical advisorship and valuable business connections.

In our first year, Sandeep and indirectly the Polygon team introduced QuickSwap to hundreds of projects, dozens of exchanges, and many major investors and institutions. He was who introduced QuickSwap to Aave and so many more. He’s also spoken about QuickSwap in interviews, on podcasts, and at conferences.

Moving Forward

Now that he’s officially aboard team QuickSwap, Sandeep will continue to do more of the same great work he’s been doing, spreading adoption and awareness of Polygon’s leading DEX. For reference, QUICK has 119 active exchange listings while MATIC (Polygon’s native gas token) has 620. Imagine what could happen with even more major exchange listings!

Additionally, Sandeep will continue to share his extensive network of business professionals, market makers, institutions, and integration partners such as oracles, exchange direct native integration of QUICK token and staking, wallets, and other DeFi protocols. He’ll also be advising on development, community, and sharing the growth strategies that worked for Polygon. There are some big programs and campaigns that will be coming over the next months which he is helping to bring to life. We’ll wait to release info about these until the programs are ready so as to avoid announcements of announcements. He’ll also help QuickSwap grow our expanding team with introductions to developers who have a history of producing incredible results.


Ride the Dragon!

And that’s not all! Stay tuned and enjoy the ride as we build out the DEX of the future with Sandeep’s expert guidance.

For those who are looking to take a more active role in advancing our marketing and educational outreach while earning monthly rewards in QUICK, be sure to apply to our elite force of ambassadors, called the Dragon Riders. We announced our first flight earlier today, but applications are still open!

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By QuickSwap Official on October 27, 2021.

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Exported from Medium on May 2, 2023.